
25 tips for more sustainability in everyday life

Our forests and moors are of central importance for the earth’s climate. That’s why we at PLANT-MY-TREE. The Foundation. are doing everything we can to save them. But environmental protection starts in our daily lives: by changing our habits just a little and being more careful in our use of resources, we can help to relieve the burden on our planet every day. The best thing is that it doesn’t cost a lot of money or effort to make the future a little greener through your own actions. In fact, you can often even reduce costs if you use less energy through sustainable actions, for example.

We present you with 25 tips from 5 categories that you can easily implement at any time. Let's go!

Eat & Drink

1. Regrow trend: Don’t throw away all kitchen waste straight away. New offshoots can be grown from many vegetable, herb and fruit scraps. Find out which plants are best suited for this here.

2. Meat production is a major burden on the climate. That’s why it makes sense to reduce meat consumption and, above all, only buy as much meat as you actually use. Other animal products can also be easily replaced: oat milk instead of cow’s milk and margarine instead of butter are just two of many other examples.

3. Prefer seasonal food. Fruit and vegetables that are in season not only have a better carbon footprint, but also taste fresher and more intense. Buying regional products is also more environmentally friendly in most cases.

4. Use reusable cups and bottles for take-away drinks. You can also make drinking more environmentally friendly at home – with water filters for tap water and soda makers such as SodaStream.

5. Do not immediately throw away food that has just passed its best-before date. Such products are often still suitable for consumption.

Personal hygiene

6. Use up everything: For example, cut open toothpaste and shampoo packaging so that you don’t throw away any valuable leftovers.

7. Take a quick shower instead of a bath. This saves a lot of water, energy and money.

8. Turning off the water while washing your hands or brushing your teeth also reduces costs and resources.

9. Use more sustainable care products, for example bar soap instead of liquid soap from a plastic dispenser.

10. Use reusable products in the bathroom too, for example plastic-free safety razors instead of disposable razors.


11. Heat more consciously: For example, turn off the heating if you leave the house for a long time. This reduces energy consumption and heating costs.

12. Ventilation is more sustainable than tilting the window. Especially when the heating is on, a lot of energy disappears directly outside.

13. Unplug devices that you are not using. Standby mode also consumes electricity. Power strips with switches make it easier to save electricity in your home.

14. If possible, dry laundry on a clothes rack and not in the dryer.

15. Batteries pollute the environment, even during production. Therefore, prefer electrical devices that are powered by mains electricity or have rechargeable batteries.


16. Use a bicycle for short distances. It is more environmentally friendly, cheaper in the long term than a car – and healthier to boot.

17. Travel longer distances by bus and train. This is a more sustainable way to travel than by plane or car.

18. Carpool when you go to work or on vacation, for example. This saves resources and money.

19. Turn off the air conditioning and other energy guzzlers in the car and only use them when it is really necessary.

20. When driving, make sure you drive in an environmentally friendly way: for example, keep the revs down and avoid rapid acceleration.


21. Nachhaltig einkaufen: Verwenden Sie Stoffbeutel, Körbe, Gemüse- und Obstnetze statt Einweg- bzw. Plastiktüten.

22. Wechseln Sie zu einem Ökostromanbieter. Im Alltag spüren Sie praktisch keinen Unterschied, haben aber Gewissheit, dass Ihr Strom aus klimaschonenderen Quellen stammt.

23. Sammeln Sie Müll auf, den Sie in der Umwelt sehen, und entsorgen ihn richtig.

24. Reduce consumption: from repairs to upcycling. Do you need new trousers or can you mend the old ones? Does the empty mustard jar have to go in the trash or can it be washed and used as a drinking glass? Even small actions make a big difference.

25. Environmental protection knows no boundaries: Be responsible on vacation and protect nature. Why not try vacation destinations near where you live more often?


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Checklist: Make every day more
environmentally friendly
